
Jaguar Mk2 RaceInn Roggwil CH | Drive-by Snapshots by Sebastian Motsch (2013)

Jaguar Mk2 | The cat is purring in a quiet corner

Flag SwitzerlandRaceInn, Roggwil / CH. Hidden away in a quiet corner of the basement, I found an exceptionally nice Jaguar Mk2. Even though green has never been my favorite color, I quite enjoyed how the shiny paint came alive in front of the otherwise monochrome background.

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Cars parked under trees in South Africa

Flag South AfricaSometimes, coincidences are funny. While finishing this blog post for publication, a friend sent me a link to an article over at Keith Charvonia wrote a great piece about finding project cars in the local neighborhoods of Tuscon, Arizona. I really love the article, because it described exactly what I’ve been doing for the last decade and a half: taking pictures of cars found along the roadside, without actually getting out of the car. Here is what I found during a one-week trip in South Africa. Albeit shot in various locations, all the pictures have one thing in common: the cars are parked under a tree.

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