
Honda Accord SJ Beirut Lebanon | Drive-by Snapshots by Hanna (2013)

Honda Accord Mk1 | A true survivor

Flag LebanonAs promised in the last post, Drive-by Snapshots now features a guest blog. My dear friend Hanna currently lives in Beirut / Lebanon and found this Honda Accord Mk1. She likes my idea of blogging about (often overlooked) daily drivers and survivors. A survivor? Yes – if it was imported to the Lebanon when new. Back then in the late 70’s / early 80’s, the civil war was in full swing. When the war ended in 1990, this first generation Accord was already 20 years old! OK, we’ll probably never figure out if the car was actually imported later, but it certainly looks like it has seen a rough day or two in its’ life.

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Cadillac Fleetwood Sixty Special Beirut Lebanon 2014 | Drive-by Snapshots by Sebastian Motsch (2014)

A large barge beached near the harbor

Flag LebanonBack in mid-April, my friend Hanna sent a couple of pictures of a Honda Accord with strong patina from Beirut. While staying there for three months, she told me she had more and more fun looking for interesting vehicles to capture. As a thank you, I am going to feature some of them here at Drive-by Snapshots. This time around, it’s a large barge from the past: a 1974 Cadillac Fleetwood Sixty Special. The color combination of the Cadillac nicely ties with the country it lives in: green resembling the cedar trees (also featured in the national flag), and beige representing the desert. The rust spots add patina and may just as well resemble the salty air from the sea, if you don’t mind 😉

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