
What exactly is a drive-by snapshot?

Drive-by snapshots are pictures of random stuff found along the roadside.

About Drive-by SnapshotsImagine you are driving along a road somewhere. All of a sudden you see something that sparks your interest. You don’t have the time to stop, get out of the car, set up the tripod and take a proper picture. So you just roll down the car window and take a snapshot. In my case, most of the pictures taken this way are, in some way or another, car related.

“You see the world with different eyes!”

Most people are not interested in looking at vehicles, roadsigns, billboards, etc. in travel reports. However, there are many like-minded petrol-heads who are genuinely interested in this kind of subject and photography.

This page was created to invite people to see the world through this particular set of eyes. Have fun looking at the vehicles and other random stuff I keep finding on and next to the roads around the world…

Kind regards
Sebastian Motsch


  • Siggi Gammay

    Hallo Seb,
    Ambitioniertes Projekt. „Gefällt mir“ 😉
    Hoffentlich erhältst Du reichlich „drive by snapshots“ um die Site mit Leben zu füllen.
    Falls mir mal ein Objekt vor die Linse kommt, nun weiß ich wohin damit. 😉
    Gruß Siggi

  • Sebastian

    VIelen Dank, Siggi!

    Immer her damit… auch wenn ich so schon nicht nachkomme mit posten. Wenn es interessant und selten ist, gerne.

    Viele Grüße

  • John

    Hi Sebastian, I came across your pictures of the Snatch Panda and though’d I’d point you towards this:


    This is the build log by the creator Andy 🙂



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