Yellow and Blue | Day seven

While digging through my picture archives, I became aware of having many pictures that have one thing in common: matching color schemes. It really is interesting how some color combinations can be found whichever country you go to. This week I’m going to feature a selection of pictures containing the bright colors Yellow & Blue.

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Yellow and Blue | Day six

While digging through my picture archives, I became aware of having many pictures that have one thing in common: matching color schemes. It really is interesting how some color combinations can be found whichever country you go to. This week I’m going to feature a selection of pictures containing the bright colors Yellow & Blue.

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Yellow and Blue | Day five

While digging through my picture archives, I became aware of having many pictures that have one thing in common: matching color schemes. It really is interesting how some color combinations can be found whichever country you go to. This week I’m going to feature a selection of pictures containing the bright colors Yellow & Blue.

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Porsche 911 SC Targa | Drive-by Snapshots by Sebastian Motsch (2014)

Porsche 911 Targa | Found on the way home

Flag GermanyOn the way home yesterday, I drove past an industrial estate near Würzburg and found a beautifully restored Porsche 911 SC Targa with the roof open. Outside. Mind you, it was just barely over 0° Celsius and cloudy…

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