
Audi 100 Avant C3 Norway 2014 | Drive-by Snapshots by Sebastian Motsch (2014)

Well then… here we go again!

Flag NorwayAfter a week of posting yellow and blue vehicles – the posting blues hit me, quite literally. But now, quite a few business trips later I’m back with more Drive-by Snapshots for you to enjoy!

Let’s start things off with something you don’t see often on the roads these days. This particular Audi 100 Avant looks like it has seen better days. But mind you – the chaps driving it now sure have more fun with it than they could ever have in a bone-stock C3. You  might want to call it blasphemy… but actually it is quite clever to give this exact vehicle the rat look treatment, with plenty of surface rust. Corrosion on a C3 Audi? You must be kidding! Didn’t Audi make a big fuss about their cars being 100% galvanized? Only to sneakily omit it on the next generation (C4) without telling anyone about it. Oh… you just gotta love the irony 🙂

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Yellow and Blue | Day three

While digging through my picture archives, I became aware of having many pictures that have one thing in common: matching color schemes. It really is interesting how some color combinations can be found whichever country you go to. This week I’m going to feature a selection of pictures containing the bright colors Yellow & Blue.

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