
BMW 318is E30 M42 | Drive-by Snapshots by Sebastian Motsch (2014)

BMW 318is E30 | Double the fun

Flag GermanyThe big portal crane in the Regensburg harbor didn’t only make a great location for the BMW E30 photo shooting, but also paid hommage to the 3-series predecessor by sporting the correct number.

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Volkswagen Käfer Cabrio | Drive-by Snapshots by Sebastian Motsch (2014)

Volkswagen Käfer Cabrio | Fasten your seat belts!

Flag GermanyMy friend Gerd and his wife Claudia started the drop-top season rather late this year. After collecting the Volkswagen Beetle convertible from storage and giving it a good wash, we decided to quickly snap a few pictures before officially starting the season.

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BMW E30 324d Strasbourg | Drive-by Snapshots by Sebastian Motsch (2014)

BMW E30 | An important birthday to be celebrated soon

Flag FranceTaking pictures of the diamond black 318is beauties on Sunday reminded me of something. A couple of weeks ago, while looking for Drive-by Snapshots in Strasbourg, I found an almost immaculate BMW E30 324d in an industrial area. The sign on the roof pointed to a used car dealership I would have otherwise missed. The silver car was for sale, but an old diesel isn’t really desirable to own in Germany due to high taxes… unless it is 30+ years old. Well this particular birthday will be celebrated in the not too distant future.

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