
Land Rover Defender Janus | Drive-by Snapshots by Sebastian Motsch (2014)

Land Rover Defender variations. No happy end, unfortunately.

Flag GermanyBeing regular exhibitors at the Abenteuer Allrad in Bad Kissingen, the Off Road Center guys always showcase their skills with a couple of great Land Rover Defender builds, parts and accessories. This year they had, amongst others, their Janus-style Defender “Lotte” on display…

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Reduce Speed Now Scotland | Drive-by Snapshots by Sebastian Motsch (2013)

Reduce Speed Now

Flag ScotlandIn order to be able to reduce the speed, as ordered by the Scottish road sign in the opening picture, you have to gain momentum beforehand. To do so, we hopped in uncle Brians’ Hyundai Terracan, took the WRC special stage like road from Kilchrenan to Taynuilt (slowly) and then headed towards Oban.

Practice makes perfect and the locals have plenty of experience in reducing their speed. If you practice hard enough, you might one day be able to reduce your speed to zero exactly like the gentleman who precisely stopped his beautiful red Alfa Romeo 159 in front of The Wee Gallery in Oban.

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Land Rover Series III Sodwana Bay | Drive-by Snapshots by Sebastian Motsch (2007)

Land Rover Series III | Alive at the beach

Flag South AfricaDiving in Sodwana Bay always means getting up very early, before sunrise. The boats, divers and their equipment are shuttled from the diving base near the dune to the waterfront. A tough job in sun, sand and salt. Most diving companies use late model bakkies or 4x4s. Ocean Divers Pretoria still uses a Series III Land Rover, which has been rebuilt a couple of years ago. The vehicle is in good overall shape with lovely patina, but rust caused by the saltwater is already visible again on the drivetrain and suspension components. Thank you for keeping the old Landy alive!

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