Hot Rod

1932 Ford 5-window hot rod Angeles City Philippines | drive-by snapshots by Sebastian Motsch (2017)

1932 Ford Hot Rod in Angeles City

“The marvels of daily life are exciting. No movie director can arrange the unexpected that you find in the street.”   Robert Doisneau

Unexpected finds put the biggest smiles on my face. Much as the Beetles in Bangkok, this sparkling red 1932 Ford 5-window hot rod suddenly appeared on the side of the road in Angeles City, Philippines. The for sale sign in the windshield told us to call Steve, but unfortunately there was no time to further investigate the details of this classic vehicle. It’s up to you to guess the engine and transmission specs and whether this is a steel or plastic body. All I can tell you from the brief glance is that it is in mint condition. Enjoy the pictures!

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dbs Simca Hot Rod 1955 France | photography by Sebastian Motsch

Nondescript French Concrete Mixer Hot Rod

Flag FranceTodays post is something for classic car fans who love challenges. I found this French hot rod with a mock-up concrete mixer on the back in rural France back in 2007. Ever since then, I’ve been wondering what the hell this is actually based on.

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