
Yellow and Blue | Day seven

While digging through my picture archives, I became aware of having many pictures that have one thing in common: matching color schemes. It really is interesting how some color combinations can be found whichever country you go to. This week I’m going to feature a selection of pictures containing the bright colors Yellow & Blue.

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Yellow and Blue | Day five

While digging through my picture archives, I became aware of having many pictures that have one thing in common: matching color schemes. It really is interesting how some color combinations can be found whichever country you go to. This week I’m going to feature a selection of pictures containing the bright colors Yellow & Blue.

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Yellow and Blue | Day three

While digging through my picture archives, I became aware of having many pictures that have one thing in common: matching color schemes. It really is interesting how some color combinations can be found whichever country you go to. This week I’m going to feature a selection of pictures containing the bright colors Yellow & Blue.

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Renault 16 TS | Drive-by Snapshots by Sebastian Motsch (2010)

Renault 16 TS | Add elf oil and it runs like a Le Mans legend!

Flag GermanyAdvertising is sometimes… weird. Create a new version version of a Renault 16 called TS, add a Le Mans racecar sticker to the rear window and a set of extra headlights. Et voilá – you have a sporty version of a rather sedate family car with plenty of roll in corners. Don’t forget to add elf oil and wear fancy sneakers – for that extra sporty pedal feel 😉

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Renault Alpine Axel Reß | Drive-by Snapshots by Sebastian Motsch (2011)

Alpine findings in the Rhön mountains

Flag GermanyOne day in February 2011 I drove through an unfamiliar town in the Rhön mountains. I spotted the familiar shape of an Alpine A610 and immediately thought I should make a U-turn and stop quickly to check it out. To my surprise I found even more Alpine goodness that made me drool. It seems like the proprietor, Axel Reß, knows a thing or two about the beautiful French sports cars. There have been quite a few awesome cars and engines in the showroom. Unfortunately the shop was closed that day and there was nobody around to answer a few questions. I should actually go back there some day…

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